Properties of the Classical Elements — Fire, Earth, Air and Water

None of the four classical elements can be categorized as chemical elements since they are made from more than one chemical element. They are made from a group of elements and compounds. They are necessary for the vitality of human life and are ubiquitous, that is, present, appearing, or found everywhere. All these characteristics can be applied to oil, Thus, I feel I can safely say, that I consider oil a candidate for the category of Fifth Element.

I know Plato wrote of Aether as a Fifth Element and he was later considered wrong. So, I have just as much of a chance to give it a go and try proving oil has the qualities of a classical element. That would mess up the Astrological Wheel but then, Pluto has been proved a much smaller planet than originally believed, and Chiron is not treated as a major planet but has an important influence in any chart.

In addition, there is a “fifth element”  in astrology called the “quinta essentia”, the spiritual being of a person, and refers to the freedom of man and the great eternal mysteries.

I don’t pretend to misplace any philosophical traditions. Really, I only intend for you to ask the question to yourself, “What if…?”  Hence, in the final analysis, read the topics of this blog and make your own decision, but give me a chance.


The four Elements and the Signs

A Brief Introduction to Astrology from

The fact that the astrological signs are associated with certain astronomical constellations has led to much confusion amongst astrologers and non-astrologers. Basically, our zodiac and the signs are no more than a circular measure, a 360-degree scale. Each of the twelve sections of this circular measure has certain characteristics, based on qualities associated with the elements.

Tradition sees the entire universe as consisting of the elements fire, air, water and earth. When we apply this system to personalities, the elements represent certain basic traits and give a certain “temperament”. This varies according to the emphasis of the elements in the horoscope. Any placement of planets or personal points in a sign constitutes an emphasis. (see also “The House System”)

The four elements can be regarded as four basic principles of life. These can be applied to all sorts of things through the principles of similarity and analogy. C.G. Jung has opened the door to a modern understanding of these categories by developing a system of types, in which the elements correspond to four basic functions of the psyche. The emphasis or non-emphasis of the elements in the individual horoscope reveals fundamental aspects of the personality.


People with a strong emphasis of the fire element are spontaneous and impulsive, they apply their energies wholeheartedly. Their emotional response is quick and they have a lively imagination.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius


Airy people are quick and animated. They apply their energies in very diverse ways. They tend to intellectualize their feelings and expectations.

Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini


People with a strongly emphasized water element are feeling types and are very sensitive. Their imaginative and emotional lives are deep and rich.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


Earthy people react quietly and slowly. They apply themselves with endurance. Emotionally they are deeply rooted and slow to change.

Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo


Western traditional sources also take into account a fifth element, the ‘quinta essentia’. This very simply describes the soul or the spiritual being of a person. It stands apart from the other four elements and is not depicted in the horoscope. This is why it is frequently overlooked. It takes us beyond the doctrine of the four elements and their application in the field of astrology. It hints at the freedom of man and reminds us of the great mystery of the eternal.

Elementary states or Qualities

Each of the four elements occurs in three states or qualities, respectively named the cardinal, fixed and mutable or common states. We can consider the physical properties of water as an analogy: Here too, chemical elements can occur in various states. Water, for example, is liquid in its usual, real state. Seen astrologically this would be the cardinal state. When frozen it takes on a solid form, astrologically this would correspond with the fixed state. When heated, it becomes vaporous steam – comparable to the mutable state in astrology. In the individual horoscope, the placement of planets in cardinal, fixed or mutable signs also reveals basic traits of the personality.


People with an emphasis on cardinal signs have an urge to take the lead and to shape things. They are initiators and act according to their aims and goals.

Cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn


People with an emphasis on the fixed signs have a desire to build on what is already there and to organize it more efficiently. They tend to preserve a “status quo” and act in response to given circumstances.

Fixed signs: Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus


People with an emphasis on the mutable or common signs tend to seek change and renewal. They can easily replace one thing with another and align their actions with unfolding processes.

Mutable signs: Sagitarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo


Elements – Mythology Wiki

Most mythologies order the structure of the world according to a set of elements. While the number of elements varies, most mythologies identify four or five.

Element Sets

  • Babylonian mythology
    • Earth, Sea, Sky, Wind
  • Buddhist mythology: Catudhatu, “four elements”
    • Air, Earth, Fire, Water
  • Greek mythology
    • Aether, Air, Earth, Fire, Water
  • Hindu mythology: Pancha Mahabhuta, “five great elements”
    • Aether/Void, Air/Wind, Earth, Fire, Water
  • Japanese mythology: 五大 (go dai, “five great”)
    • Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Atmos
  • Tibetan mythology
    • Air, Earth, Fire, Space, Water

The Elements


  • In the West, sometimes perceived as the mysterious “fifth element” that relates to the soul.
  • The substance that fills the heavens (Greek).
  • The source of everything in the universe, including the other elements; related to sound (Hindu).


  • Associated with spring and the northern compass direction (Greek) or the northwestern compass direction (Hindu).
  • Representative of things that move.
  • According to Aristotle, primarily hot and secondarily wet.


  • Associated with communication, business, practical matters, fall, and the southern compass direction (Greek) or the southwestern compass direction (Hindu).
  • Representative of things that are solid or things that grow.
  • According to Aristotle, primarily dry and secondarily cold.


  • Associated with energy, passion, summer, the eastern compass point (Greek), or the southeastern compass direction (Hindu).
  • Representative of things that are hot or things that destroy.
  • According to Aristotle, primarily hot and secondarily dry.


  • Associated with inward motion, persistence, determination, ambition, the west, autumn, and Venus.


  • Representative of things that are not normally encountered in everyday life.


  • Associated with emotion, intuition, imagination, wisdom, winter, the planet Mercury, the western compass direction (Greek) or the northeastern compass direction (Hindu).
  • Representative of liquid things or cold things.
  • According to Aristotle, primarily cold and secondarily wet.


  • Associated with anger, patience, spring, the east, Jupiter, green, and wind.

Other “Elements”

The Four Humours

  • Four “elements” of the body; excess or absence of a humour was considered the cause of disease.
  • Yellow bile (fire)
  • Black bile (earth)
  • Blood (air)
  • Phlegm (water)

The Seven Chakras

  • Seven “energy centers” or “wheels” located on the spiritual body.
  • Sahasrara (Crown): Thought/Space
  • Ajña (Third Eye): Light/Dark
  • Vishuddhi (Throat): Ether/Sound
  • Anahata (Heart): Air
  • Manipura (Navel): Fire
  • Svadhisthana (Sacral): Water
  • Muladhara (Root): Earth


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